Nate turned 9 months old on May15, 2011. 3 months until the BIG month we are in double digits! What?!? Where has the time gone? I swear I was just writing about him turning 1 month old. I know it "goes fast" but this is ridiculous! We are loving spending time with the little man these days...he is just getting so big and fun. Here's what Nate's been up to:
• Weighs 18.6 lbs (45%), and is about 28.5 (50%) inches long. His head has grown too--20% now!
• Wears size 3 diapers, 6-12 month, and 9 months clothing.
• Eats about 6 oz of formula every 3 hours. We still have a few packets of breast milk left that I give to him randomly.
• He eats some solids 3 times a day. We've moved on to finger foods, which Nate is digging a lot more than the pureed foods. Bread, pasta, banana, strawberries, yogurt, puffs and yogurt melts are a big hit so far. We've tried some cheese, beans and a few bites of a nugget. He's not too excited about proteins just yet, but its all about practice and experimenting. Nate also loves his Mum Mums. He can hold a sippy cup and his bottle on his own, but frankly, is lazy sometimes and likes you to do it for him.
• Sleeps from about 7 pm until 6:15 am, mostly on his side or stomach. Lately we've been getting up once at night, but Nate will typically settle back down quickly. I think we have a tooth finally coming in!!! I'm hoping that's been the cause for the random wake up at night.
• Loves to scream and babble. He says mamamama all the it! We'll tell him to "say dada" and he responds with "mama." Too funny.
• Is a little stinker. He loves to be goofy and make you laugh or laugh at something you are doing. It is too cute. He'll look at you and tilt his head to the side and then just grin from ear to ear.
• Loves to pet the dogs and just stares at them all the time.
• Lunges for everything. He's so curious and just wants to explore everything, and he has no fear. He keeps us on our toes!
• Is pretty much crawling. He mainly army crawls, but is starting to rock on all fours and occasionally move with his tummy off of the ground. It'll be any day now when he starts really taking off.
• He loves to play with his toys and to read books. Gymboree is still a favorite activity and he has a lot of fun there. Ms. Amy says he loves the Gymboree Freeze song! Nate also loves the "drop it" game where he grabs anything he can find and tosses it on the floor. So much fun.
• Absolutely loves to be outside--walks, Arboretum, trips to the park, sitting out back--if he's outside, he's happy.
He's just the happiest baby boy, and is constantly stealing our thoughts and attention. We love you endlessly buggaboo!