Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Have Baby...Will Errand

It has been a busy week!  Now that our bug is 6+ weeks old, we've been out and about much more.  Monday we had lunch with "Aunt" Lisa and I got a flu shot at work (they give them to the employees every year). Tuesday we had our first family dinner out at Blue Goose.  My 2 boys, brisket tacos and a margarita outside on the patio = perfection.  Wednesday we went shopping with "Aunt" Brooke.  I think I bought the entire fall collection from Carters.  So cute!  Nate is set!!  Here are a couple of the favorites (although everything is so cute!):

Thursday we went to the store and to Walgreens.  Add in a few walks around the block, and we've been busy and on the move.  It has been so nice to get out and about!  And the weather has been awesome!

In other news, I am pretty sure Nate smiled at me this morning.  Can't wait to see if he does it again! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall is in the Air

It was such a nice day today!  Our church had the grand opening of the newly renovated education wing today and our sunday school class was in charge of the food for the event.  Michael went up there early to cook and Nate and I met him later in the day for lunch.  It was so nice outside--in the 70s and sunny.  It was great to get out of the house for a little bit.  Now that he is 6 weeks old, we can start doing more things outside the house.  Yay!

The change in weather has me thinking about fall clothes.  I think my big fall purchase will be these lovely boots.  Love!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Silly Monkey

Nate is looking so cute today.  He's been clingy lately, which just melts my heart although it makes it very difficult to get anything done!  My little silly monkey.  Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

One Month Old - September 15, 2010

Nathaniel is one month old already!


It's hard to believe, and time is slipping by.  At one month, Nate weighs 7 pounds 12 ounces, is 21.75 inches, wears newborn clothing and newborn diapers.   Nate is such a sweet baby.  He loves to snuggle and only really cries if he is hungry or mad that his diaper is off (he doesn't like getting cold).  He is eating like a champ--roughly 2.5 ounces at each feeding.  Unfortunately, Nate isn't the best at nursing--since he was early, this skill wasn't as strong initially--so I am pumping and we primarily give him bottles with a few nursing sessions during the day.  He is exclusively breastfed though, which is what is most important.  Nate eats about every 2 to 2.5 hours; we are hoping he starts transitioning to every 3 hours now that he is taking in a full feeding (it took a few weeks to work up to this since his little tummy was so small).  He is starting to have more awake time and his schedule is becoming more consistent.  Overall, our little boy is doing great and growing tons.

Nate's done a lot in his first month.  Met new friends.

 "Aunt" Tiffany

"Aunt" Brooke

"Aunt" Lisa

 "Aunt" Ashley

Becky & Baby Girl Petereit along for the ride--future girlfriend? :)

Met Abuelo & GB.

Met Grandma and Grandpa.

Successfully battled jaundice.

Stupid UV light box--we hated that thing!

Went for walks.

Took a big boy bath.

 He loved it!

Swung in his swing.

Cheered on his team.

 Gig Em!

Bounced in his bouncy chair.

Enjoyed some tummy time.

He is adorable and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!

We love you Nate!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Birth Story

Things are finally getting back to normal around here--at least our new version of normal--so I figured its time to get back on the blogging bandwagon.  First up, catching up on Nathaniel's birth story!

Saturday August 14, 2010 started out like any other day.  Michael was on call the night before, so he got home early in the morning.  I slept in and then got ready for the day.  My friends threw me a work baby shower that day at noon, so I headed to Breadwinners around 11:45 am.  The shower was great, and I felt good, although it was a really hot day and by the end of the shower I was ready to get home.

After the shower, I headed home, woke Michael up and we left for a Sunday School gathering at a friends place around 4 pm.  We had to stop by the store on the way there and while getting our stuff, I had a few Braxton Hicks contractions.  I didn't think anything of it and just made a mental note to drink lots of water when we got to our friend's house.

At the gathering, I felt off and tired.  I was still having some Braxton Hicks, so I decided to chill on the couch and down some water.  Well, the contractions kept coming.  I finally started paying attention to when they were occurring and by 6:00 pm, they were about every 8-10 minutes.  We went for a dip in the pool, which I thought would help things, but no such luck.  Finally, around 7 pm, we headed home.

On the way home, I told Michael I was having these contractions, which were about every 5 minutes by this point.  I still thought they were nothing and just BH contractions.  We got home and I laid on the couch and drank even more water.

By 8:15 pm, the contractions were still happening about every 3-4 minutes and felt more like a menstrual cramp that radiated to my back with tightening of my uterus.  I called a mommy friend who said that these contractions sounded like real contractions and not BH ones.  So, we decided to call the on-call doctor.  I spoke to the nurse on call (Emily, my doctor's regular nurse) who said they were probably BH and to lie down, take it easy and drink more water.  If they got stronger or didn't stop after an hour, I was to call back.

At 9:15 pm, I called again because the contractions were still 3-4 minutes apart and were getting stronger.  The doctor on call (Dr. Nokleberg) told me to go ahead and come in to L&D triage to get checked out.  I was in complete denial I was in labor and kept trying to stop Michael from finishing packing my hospital bag.

We arrived at the hospital about 9:30 pm and I was checked by a triage nurse.  Guess what, I was definitely having real contractions every 2-3 minutes and I was 3 cm dialated.  Because I was 35 weeks and 6 days (I wasn't considered 36 weeks until midnight) and only 3 cm, my doctor wanted to wait and see if things progressed before admitting me.  So, I was given some demerol for the pain since the contractions were getting uncomfortable and told to rest for a bit.  The thought was the pain medicine would stop and false labor.

I was monitored and kept having regular contractions despite the pain meds, which just made me drowsy and woozy.  Around midnight, the nurse checked me again and I hadn't changed any so my doctor moved me to a L&D room to continue to wait and see.

From midnight to about 4:30 am I had regular contractions that were very painful.  I kept praying my cervix would dialate more so I could get an epidural or the contractions would stop.  Michael was great the whole time and held my hands tight as I breathed through each contraction.  I had another dose of demerol during the night as well since the pain was pretty strong.

Finally, after checking me at 4:30 am, I had dialated to 4 cm.  My doctor ordered an epidural and officially admitted me--we were going to have a baby today!!  Even at this point, I was still in shock!  I couldn't believe Baby Lloyd was coming a whole 4 weeks early and was worried that everything would be ok.

I got my epidural around 5:00 am, and it was fantastic.  The anesthesiologist did a great job and I was numb through my stomach and upper thighs, but could still move my legs and everything.  The nurses changed shifts at 7:00 am and when the day nurse checked me, I was a full 4 cm and my bag of water was bulging.

Dr. Nokleberg came in at 8:00 am to check me--now 4-5 cm-- and she went ahead and broke my water.  That really got things going and by 10:15 am, I was completely dialated and 100% effaced.

I started pushing at 10:15 am, all on my right side.  Baby did not like me pushing on my left side or back--the heart rate would drop when I tried those positions.  I pushed until 11:45 am, at which point, Dr. Nokleberg was called in to deliver the baby. 

I could feel a ton of pressure in my pelvis and felt like I was pooping out a baby!  I pushed through a few contractions with Dr. Nokleberg, and after even more pressure, Baby Lloyd was here!!!  There was no reason I went into labor early, other than apparently he was ready to come.  We are so happy and blessed he is perfect and doing great.

Nathaniel Dean Lloyd
born at 12:02 pm, August 15, 2010
5 lbs 14 oz, 18.25 inches

Getting cleaned up

First family picture

Proud Dad!

Cute little bug!

Happy Birthday Nate!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Work Shower

On August 14, 2010, some sweet friends of mine from work hosted a shower for me.  The guest list included some other coworkers and wives of my coworkers.  The shower was held at of my favorite places!  It was a lot of fun; a very girly and sweet event.  We were so fortunate to receive some great baby gifts.  Little did I know that I would go into labor just a few hours later!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Guess What...

I had a baby! 

Nathaniel Dean Lloyd graced us with his presence 4 weeks early on August 15, 2010, weighing 5 lbs 14 oz, 18.25 inches long.  He is doing great and we are adjusting to life at home.  I have several blog posts to do and catch up on, but until then, I leave you with a pic.  Love him!